Friday, December 31, 2010


PLEASE NOTE: The following is written and unedited as the Lord gave it to me.  However I MUST say that I can never overstate the importance of prayer in the life of any believer in Christ Jesus. Prayer is the ground in which we bring Heaven to earth, and the mode by which we make all things in the earth subject unto the obedience of Jesus Christ and God’s holy word.
A prayerless people are a defiled people and a prayerless church is a powerless church and one who is void of the voice and full Spirit of God working in and through the people that dwell within.

There is much to be recovered, restored, restituted, overcome, achieved, and received from His throne room in the earth.  If we will all agree to pray concerning these issues daily for the next 6 months--- NOTHING will be impossible unto us!
You may ask why 6 months--- I sense that by June’s end--- WOW!!! Things will be happening on a very large scale.  On that premise--- spiritual warfare MUST begin to be waged, fought and won in the heavenlies, against the prince of the power of the air and all of his cohorts, so that all of God’s magnanimous blessings and Kingdom rulership can be made effective and solidified in the earth without delay or retreat.  If we will all come together in this and be at unity in His Spirit and in prayer--- we could begin to see these changes manifest in a matter of 2-3 months the most--- the power is in our hands and should we rise up and heed His call throughout the earth--- LOOK OUT NOW!!!

Anyway- here goes---


At the close of my praying and warring, I heard the Lord say that if we as His body would stand in proxy for the body in every area and repent unto Him and cry out for the expulsion, revealing and casting out of every false light, false doctrine, angel of light, that he would do awesome marvels in making His body one as He desires and we would be whole and function as one and we would walk in His constant victory, wisdom and glory in the earth with dominion and authority because the Kingdom of God will indeed come to the earth and have its rulership with us and through us.

These are the areas he led me to pray over-- repent and call out and cast out ever false light, etc concerning.


Apostles-Prophets-Evangelists-Preachers-Teachers- Bishops-
Elders-Ushers-Musics/Musicians/Praise N Worship Leaders-
Prayer intercessors-Greeters-Administrations-Mothers-

Repent as a whole unto God for all the sins in the body of Christ! Call out every false light and every angel of light to be exposed by the true light of Jesus Christ!
Call out every spirit of homosexuality; sexual immorality; pornography; greed; lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, pride of life!
Call out every contrary spirit, every lying wonder, every spirit of deceit and manipulations in the body of Christ!
Call down the fire to God to consume every ungodliness in the body of Christ!
Call on the very anointing of God to fall upon every member of the body of Christ and to break every chain!
Call for every situation, circumstance and case, relationship, business transaction that the devil has used to connect the body of Christ to himself to be broken and cast out by the blood of Jesus Christ, the anointing of God that destroys and breaks every yoke in Jesus’ name.

Call out every seducing spirit and every spirit of witchcraft from the body of Christ in the name of Jesus!

The true lights of all leaders within the body must stand in proxy in the body of Christ and pray for the exposing and removal of all false lights in the callings and leaders in the body of Christ.

And as a whole we must all pray for the people of Israel- protection, safety, provision, guidance, return unto God as many as possible through Jesus Christ being seen and accepted as their Messiah.
And pray for the peace of Jerusalem as God has ordained His peace to be established in that city whose name means peace In Jesus’ name.

Pray for the lost to be saved. Pray for the laborers to go into the harvest; pray for revival across the nations and for the called of God to heed His call into the Kingdom of God in Jesus’ name.

The Lord has said that as we pray this way in sync and oneness in His Body- that He will rise from His throne and will Himself stand up for our behalf and will bring us to our rightful place as the Kingdom of God in the earth for His glory will fill the world over and every tribe and nation in the earth will know that God sent Jesus.
I have already prayed this prayer and will continue to do so as I was led of The Holy Spirit to pray.
I have been instructed to pass this on to all the people of God.

As I prayed toward the end- I saw a body that had been torn, bruised, diseased, infested with pains of the heart, sores in the body begin to be healed as if instantly and become a whole and vibrant and beautiful being--- with glory and power and dominion and authority. And that body was whole and functioned as one.

Then I heard--- “If the eye is single and intent wholly on Me, then my body will be full of light!”

All glory be to God Almighty!

Please know always that the heavens are always open to receive from the Lord, and to receive breakthroughs from the Lord unto you.  Having said thus:
I would like to take some to invite U all to join me every Monday- Sunday beginning January 3, 2011 from 5am-6am on a free conference call. OPEN HEAVENS PrayerLine's purpose is to war in the spirit N take charge of each day as well as pray for those who call in. All information concerning this is as follows : Conference Dial-in Number: (712) 451-6100 Access Code: 801822# Looking forward to His Presence with you all!


Arise unto the hope of the fulfillment of God's words unto you!
Time to put God in remembrance of His promises unto you!
His blessings to you are NOT just for you!
His blessings for you are bigger than you and yours!
Someone out there is needing your reservoir to receive something through you from The Lord!
Jesus didn't just die only for you!
God didn't just set His love on only you!
No man is an island!
We all need each other to survive!
A chain is only as strong as its weakest link---so if we would all trust God for each other, love each other conditionally, forgive each other from the heart, speak words of life and encouragement and keep all walls of hostility from among us---God's awesome love will always be seen and experienced in the earth.
Any way you slice your thoughts of God--- HE IS LOVE--- and that is Who we are to exude through everything, at every time and in every season!
Love, Love, Love!

Love will make you give a homeless man some food to eat and water to drink.
Love will make you see the people with His eyes and pull the beauty within their beings out.
Love will make you lend a helping hand to a stranger.
Love will make you turn an enemy into a friend---because you will see that your ONLY enemy is the devil and his demons and man/humans can NEVER be your enemy because they---like you were forever created in the image of God and they need love NOT selfishness or hate.
Love will make you scream at some and say, "Stop! you're heading to hell! Jesus loves you! Please give Him a fighting chance!"
Love will make you wake up at the most inconvenient time of day to lend a helping hand.
Love will make you strong to stand against the grain of the popular voices and be a friend to a lonely soul.

We have 4 seasons in the earth and 4 corners of the earth.
but through it all there remains One Spirit of God, One Father God, and One Lord God Who is Jesus.
They are all one and Love is their language---whether it is to heal, deliver, give gifts, forgive, rebuke, chastise, or discipline, warn,---the language' coat and armor is always love.

You cannot separate His love from any part of Him.
His love is holiness and His holiness flows from love.
God is love,
and we who are the sons of God MUST be grounded in and exude His love through all of our journeys on the earth.

Love is not weakness- but meekness, humility, self-control, strength, compassion, un-compromising righteousness, patience---but not settling for the comforts of sin or anything that is against the nature of God Himself!

Jesus said the world would know Him by our love.  By our love for one another!
NOT by signs and wonders, not by good works, but by our love.
He is calling his church to a higher place in Him!

That place is LOVE!

He is not against signs and wonders because He said they would follow us, but He is calling us to love---His express nature and person.
He wants us to rid ourselves of all prejudices and selfishness' and to tear our inner walls down that keep us from walking in His love!

God is love, love is God!
Love is of God!
Faith works by love and it comes by hearing the word of God!

Love is an action word and requires the flesh to die to selfishness in order for love to be seen.

Have you been believing God for something that you've wanted for such a long time and you still await its appearing?
God says to check yourself in total transparency before Him!
Is there someone you are not loving as you should? Is there someone you are prejudiced or self-righteous against?

Keep your hands clean and maintain a pure heart! Forgive all imperfections; repent for all wrongdoings; get your own house in order;  walk in humility; be understanding and kind and love-love-love!
If you walk in love and become love's provision to bless someone else' life, love will always find love's way back to you!

An empty-hearted person is one who does not know the way of God and is not found in God!
A heart of joy is one whose heart is found in God---regardless of the dictations of one's seasons in the earth.

I hear the Lord saying that those who will be greatly blessed in 2011 are those who know and walk in His ways of love with uncompromising fervor and considerations for the less fortunate.

Do you want to be blessed and spent?

Get to know His heart of love!
Walk in His love (not in the limitations of your flesh), but in the power of His Spirit to love your fellowman and the world through you.

He longs to bless us all,
but we've got to have love and share the wealth of His love with one another and in the world.

God be praised always!

Daddy-God is walking the earth and trying the hearts of man in the earth.

I see churches and ministries being sat down/closed by god and by the workings of policies in the earth---and God allows it to be done because their hearts were never founded in god and have never been founded in his love.

These ministries who, out of their laziness in life, choose to be speakers of His word for the sake of obtaining tax cuts, homes on discounts, cars, and other comforts because of a title without His Spirit of approval...they are being cut down to size and will begin losing the comforts of their deceits in the earth.

This is all God's doing and is NOT an attack of the enemy- as some will seek to call it.

God says, "Stop crediting the devil with his corrections and rebukes in the earth!"

Ananias and Sapphira were struck dead by the Holy Ghost but their spirits are still producing seeds in the earth.

God has been longsuffering and merciful but they have produced seeds that have co-mingled with His Presence and he will no more allow this spirit to have the rule in His house.

He is not striking people dead, but He is cutting them off for the saving of their souls! in shame and dishonor they will be clothed.

Shame and disdain will become their garments for they have continually dishonored the very Presence and power of God they have proclaimed in the earth.

Now God's judgment is visiting upon them and trying them by the very words they've themselves proclaimed in the earth.

Be careful that you glory not in humblings and corrections of them you see before your eyes---lest you become puffed up in arrogance and are found to be weighed in the balance and have been lacking in Me.

Humble yourselves unto prayer for the changing seasons to be visited upon the earth.  For they will come and will not delay!

Pray for your leaders, pray for your brethren, pray for your fellowman, pray for yourself.

Keep your lamps filled with oil and separate yourselves unto the Lord with total surrendering obediences that you may be truly found in Him!


There is only one Hero in the body of Christ and His name is Jesus Christ!
the church must stop creating heroes unto herself and return with all her heart unto her FIRST LOVE- JESUS CHRIST!

There is but One Lord, One Savior and Jesus Christ is THAT One!

All egocentrics MUST be knocked off the thrones of the kingdoms of your hearts!

Search yourself in your secret place with total transparency so that The Lord of Glory may shine truth into you, forgive you, reconcile you to God and restore you into true and vibrant relationship by His Holy Spirit with Jesus Christ, Who died on the cross to save YOU!

HE did it ALL for you!

What will you give to HIM?

Please know always that the heavens are always open to receive from the Lord, and to receive breakthroughs from the Lord unto you.  Having said thus:
I would like to take some to invite U all to join me every Monday- Sunday beginning January 3, 2011 from 5am-6am on a free conference call. OPEN HEAVENS PrayerLine's purpose is to war in the spirit N take charge of each day as well as pray for those who call in. All information concerning this is as follows : Conference Dial-in Number: (712) 451-6100 Access Code: 801822# Looking forward to His Presence with you all!


You large churches that yield the masses, thinking you bring a great many souls into the Kingdom, God says to tell you that you do not.
You have competed within your walls for the gaining of other sheep who should not be of your flock and harbor them with vain deceits and ill-gotten gains. Yes, “ill-gotten gains”, because they do not belong in your pews.
Where is the duly equipping of the saints to go out into the harvest and reap more souls in the Kingdom of God? Itching ears, itching ears you bring unto your houses where they worship you and love the songs you sing and they lack of Me within their beings!
You pride yourself on the eloquence of words but more than half know not your meanings, even while they rejoice over your much pleasant speeches.
Have you considered how many of them truly know Me? Have you considered how many of them do NOT know Me? Have you yet considered how many of them only know Me through your words?!
You look on the outward appearances of the masses and are deceived into thinking you have brought lives/souls unto Me---but you haven’t.
You look on the outside but I see their hearts!
You seek the gold, the fame, the notoriety of man. I seek the imprint of My Son upon their hearts and lives.

Daddy-God is crying, crying.
My heart is full of love but My home is empty and wanting for souls!
I want more souls snatched out of the snares of the wicked.
I want more souls to be saved for whom My Son laid His life.
Stop making overstuffed kingdoms unto yourselves and lead My people to Me.
Teach them of My love and of My power.
Teach them of sinners needing grace and reconcile the world to Me through the Provision that has been made through Jesus and not the beautifying adornments of your words that fall by the wayside in their hearings.
I want souls in My Kingdom.
It’s all I ever wanted.


See how easy it is to blend in those who claim to be of Me, than to go into the streets and truly bring the lost in reconciliation to me.
You entertain the onlookers who pride within themselves that they belong with the masses and the prosperous but you fail to recognize the need of allocating your funds to help with the growth of the smaller churches and lesser known names among men who have My anointing, authority and stamp of approval on their very lives.
The season of true growth has always been upon you, yet you stole flock from smaller shepherds and seek to give Me praise for bringing them unto you!
Know ye this says the Lord : “I did NOT bring them unto you. Your wayward doctrines and open door policies of accepting sins without holy living is what drew the masses---but it was not my doing.
Your spirits of prides, lusts for money, fames, and attentions have brought like-minded souls unto you. And look and see how your own self-appointed replicas have been seeded in the earth. Your seedings have your imprints, but those imprints have NOT been founded in Me…(prides, lusts, greeds, arrogance, and self-righteousness--- these are your imprints and they have no place in Me).
Repent and put all prides, arrogance and hardness of hearts toward Me away from you so that you and the masses will be changed, restored and be empowered to make effective and breakthrough changes in the earth for My glory.
Your co-minglings with the ways of the world MUST be removed from within your walls so that souls may truly be saved unto Me---and not that of yourselves.
Search your own hearts before Me and in My Presence and stop looking for the approval of the masses to be the yardstick you judge yourself by in your doings and dealings unto Me.
I have rejected many of your works.
Repent and be restored lest I reject you from My Presence.


2011 marks a year of major shiftings among the lay people in the body who have been lax in their service in the Kingdom.
God is calling forth active participants in His service.
Too many gifts of The Holy Ghost have been focused on the leaders, and permitting of the flow of the gifts of the Holy Ghost have been blocked by them who oversee the flock from free-flow in the lay people.
God is awakening His people to the gifts and talents and skills He placed upon them for the Kingdom.
It is no more a one-man or one-woman platform show.
Yes there are leaders with His callings, but there are sheep with His gifts that have been lying dormant and not edifying the body because of the traditions of the so-called “free-flowing” body of believers.
The buried treasures in The Kingdom are awakening to a new dawning in Him.
It is time to pray, weep and wail for the manifestations of the sons of God in the earth, because there are souls hanging in the balance between heaven and hell ---while the spiritual elite play church with their select members and withhold the free-flowing presence of the Spirit of God from the people of God.
God is raising a remnant in these last days whose sole purpose is to dedicate their worlds to God--- To bring The Kingdom of God to earth and to bring a lost and dying world in reconciliation to God through Jesus Christ.

Please know always that the heavens are always open to receive from the Lord, and to receive breakthroughs from the Lord unto you.  Having said thus:
I would like to take some to invite U all to join me every Monday- Sunday beginning January 3, 2011 from 5am-6am on a free conference call. OPEN HEAVENS PrayerLine's purpose is to war in the spirit N take charge of each day as well as pray for those who call in. All information concerning this is as follows : Conference Dial-in Number: (712) 451-6100 Access Code: 801822# Looking forward to His Presence with you all!


The angels of light within the church who have snuck in with mirrors to appear to be giving off light are going to be distinctly divided and made to be separate from the remnant of God’s true body of believers. That meshing and comfort zones between the two have now become a great and vast divide.
These false lights are those who will be called upon to choose light or darkness--- those false lights have many followers who will love their teachings and eloquence of speech and smooth sounding words, but they lack the power, anointing and approval of God to minister. Those within their midst who know the truth will no more side with them so they will either be demoted from staffing alongside, or they will be compelled to leave at the leading of the Lord.

The remnants are growing stronger and stronger in the word and power and with the approval of God on their lives and they will rise and be seen with the boldness that brings deliverance and not the itching ears of the masses.
They will look like nothing and bear the appearance of nothingness, but when they speak and walk and utter the words of God they WILL be heard and obeyed.
For the Presence of the Lord upon them shall magnify them in the earth.
They will not be braggadocious or arrogant but humble.
They will be filled with God’s heart and compassion for man.
They will be filled with God’s mind to reveal His thoughts in the earth.
They will be filled with His divine power to act on His behalf for the hurting and destitute and barren souls in their lands.
They will bring deliverance to the downcast, heal the brokenhearted and deliver those that be oppressed and possessed with the darkness of devils.
Whatever they speak, will come to pass, because they have set their loves on the Lord and they have been positioned in Him in such a way that they walk as though they be Him in the earth.
The Kingdom of God has come to man. The Kingdom of God has come to make its demand of rightful reign in the earth through them.
The spiritual world can no more be separate from the affairs of human flesh. The spirit world of God’s Kingdom has come to make effective the holiness, the righteousness, the wisdom and the free-flowing economics of success it proclaims with the mind of the King.
It is no more business as usual in the Kingdom with placating games and manipulations that harbor greeds and lusts unto those who have a hold in leadership.

It is the year of the prospering of the accountable and righteous people of God.
These are those who will to live holy unto the Lord. Who want not for the praises of man. Who have a burden for the lost and hurting and the poor. Who could care less what man says and give no thought to the idle threats of the flesh of man or of the roars of the liar.
These are those of whom God has chosen to lead His people and bring deliverance in these final times before His return for His church.
He has always been calling His people back to holiness because He made a pact with His dearly Beloved Son Jesus to give unto Him a Bride without spot or wrinkle and He is not a man that He should lie nor is He the son of man, that He should repent and lower His standards of Holiness or perfection unto Jesus.
You see, Jesus died to heal the hurt of The Father for want of a people to freely choose to love and serve Him and dwell with Him forever.
God created humans for love through free will AND to shame the devil by making us higher than the angels and rule over them… and the church has ridiculed God and hurt His heart by bonding with the ways of darkness. The devil holds his fists and brags that he makes His children fall and deceives them of their true dominion and authority in the earth over them( the devils and demons).

But God has come to the earth Himself and is looking over all the affairs of men. He Himself is looking over the houses – His temples and is determining who is light and who bears that which is false.
That which is false has the fire of God upon it and it is consumed away from His Presence and falls, and that which is true has a river of water flowing through it and it is growing in beauty in His sight.
He is preparing The Bride to be presented to Jesus Who will then in turn come to take His Bride and we will all dwell with The Father forever.
At first I saw the wealth of the world being given to the church--- but now I see the wealth of the false lights overturning to the true church. In other words, those whom the Lord entrusted with the wealth because at some point they started in Him correct, and have made themselves a god unto themselves and before the people,--- these are those I see whose wealth(s) are being snatched out from under them and are being laid literally in the hands of God’s duly righteous and honestly accountable servants and friends.
Then I see the wealth(s) of the world flowing to the remnant of God --- and these remnants are blessed mightily and are allocating funds in the Kingdom to preserve the people of God, to bless Israel, to win lost souls into the Kingdom, and to help those in need.
Through it all, I keep hearing His heart’s cry for souls, souls, souls. God’s heart is in pain for want of more souls to be snatched out of the pits of Hell and darkness all over the earth.
A magnanimous amount of spiritual awakenings and revivals are taking place all over the land even in the midst of many hearts turning colder toward Him.
The Presence of God upon those that be truly His is the defining point regardless of the eloquence of the words that the astute and scholarly proclaim--- and their differences will be clearly seen and defined in the earth.

Only those who are graced with the dynamic Presence of Him will have that ability to discern false lights in the midst and these are they who will walk in His Presence and power to deliver His words, do His works and establish His Kingdom in the earth.

I KEEP FEELING HEART ATTACK AND SEEING A FAMOUS person FALL ON A STAGE--- let us pray as I cannot see the face but this person is speaking before the masses and suffers a serious heart attack.

When prophecy comes, we must pray regardless for the mind of God and His will to be done throughout.
Some prophecies come in order for us to pray and avert what is possible to occur and some come to warn and prepare us for what is inevitable. We must pray.

The shakings and shiftings are set in the earth and they come from Heaven, as God’s Kingdom is upon us.

Let not your heart be troubled and let it not be afraid.
There will be many shakings and surprises that will serve to knock many off their feet and to lose the grounds on which they have made their foundations.
Remain in God at all times. Seek His heart and mind in everything and you will stand and endure all that is to come upon the earth.
I asked Him why not take it from the world first and He said because his people keep putting good seed in bad soil and are reaping of the ills of that soil unto themselves.
He said that He must take the provision He has already given from the hands of those who have turned against Him in wildcoats so that the seeds of the godly make their ways to good soils and reap harvests of plentifuls.
He said that if He strips the heathen and ungodly first without purging His house, the seeds of the heathen stored up for the righteous will continually be poured in bad soil and reap ills unto His people and He looked at me and said, ‘No more. The time is short and My Son awaits His Bride.”
“Souls, Souls, Souls in My Kingdom. Where is the manifestation of My sons in the earth?”



1- Make your calling and election sure- this is a warning and need for self-introspection.
2- Every deed will be tried by the fire.
3- God is weighing the hearts of men.
4- Self-appointed people in ministries will begin to lose heart in their deceits and will begin to sit themselves down in humility—recognizing they were not called but self-appointed.
5- The disobedient and unrepentant will be set down by God.
6- New faces will grace the horizons of His Holiness and their revealing will break like the noon day sun (at its highest peak and point of impact) will they all be revealed.
7- God will reign supreme in the called of God, of whom are truly His appointing.
8- I see a race and passing of the baton at the last leg. I see some refusing to pass it on to the next assigned person and they get shin splints or torn muscles and can no longer finish their race and those to take over MUST reach and catch and carry on.

9- I spoke earlier of seeing someone falling on a stage due to heart attack---but I hear--- heart attack---enhancement drugs--- weaning off--- over-excessive heart palpitations--- survive but they can no longer do what they’ve been doing and can no longer work in the capacity they’ve been doing. Man thinks it’s because of that, but God says it is His doing.

The “Davids” must give up that which they want to do for God in order for the “Solomons” to be birthed in full manifestation. But these Solomons will have the blessing of the forefathers (Davids)- whose hearts are after God and the wisdom of Solomons to instruct, to guide, to rule, and be great and successful---this is in the church and in the economic and business structures.

I hear the Davidic-Solomonic mantle (if it makes any sense) and they will be called upon by both worlds to hear what “Thus says God” and “How do we apply it to work”?

It is a Father-son era and ruling of the Kingdom in the earth.

I hear The Spirit say: “It is the heart of the Father God being satisfied with the works of His sons in the earth.”
Then He showed me David wanting to build a temple unto God and Solomon being the actual doer of what The Father has wanted to accomplish and Solomon achieved much because he was appointed.

This David and Solomon; and Davidic-Solomonic mantle; and Father-son Era are spoken in many ways because of certain times and seasons.

It is given so that those whose hearts are ever toward God and those who are wise to the times and seasons and in the affairs of men will rise to combine the two as one Kingdom in the earth.

The “Davids” are those who have a heart for God but are not called to build the temple. God says they know who they are and they need be prepared to let God place his choosing where they stand. (This calls for discernment of one’s heart in total transparency before God.) (This also calls for humility of one’s soul to relinquish their own rights of self-achievements unto Him.)

These whom God has chosen will be spiritual leaders and business leaders and they will NOT be given over to the weaknesses that caused harm in their (David/Solomon) own personal walks with God.
Seducing spirits and lusts of the flesh do not move them (those whom He has appointed) away from His holiness. God has girded them with a strength to rebuke the darkness and to set them free from the snares of the fowler who seeks to destroy many and take them out of their calling.
They will have a say and leadership that bridges the spiritual and natural affairs of man WITHOUT compromising the light to appease the darkness.

All glory, honor praise and thanks be to god Almighty and Jesus Christ for always speaking unto His children through love and instructions for life's good and His glory.

Please know always that the heavens are always open to receive from the Lord, and to receive breakthroughs from the Lord unto you.  Having said thus:
I would like to take some to invite U all to join me every Monday- Sunday beginning January 3, 2011 from 5am-6am on a free conference call. OPEN HEAVENS PrayerLine's purpose is to war in the spirit N take charge of each day as well as pray for those who call in. All information concerning this is as follows : Conference Dial-in Number: (712) 451-6100 Access Code: 801822# Looking forward to His Presence with you all!


The Lord gave me a word the other day for those who keep seeking a word from Him everywhere the wind blows!

If you find yourself in this situation- then this word is for you :--BE ENCOURAGED AT ALL COSTS BECAUSE IT IS ONLY BECAUSE OF LOVE THAT HE REACHES TO CORRECT YOU WHERE NEEDED IN YOUR LIFE!!! -If you know of someone in this situation, pray for them, and feel free to share these words of The Lord with everyone.

(This is the FIRST of 4 words our Lord has now released me to begin making it public in its FULL form!  For the next 3 days I will post one complete word daily- as you all may have already reviewed the snippets within my notes section herein!)


There be some of you leaders and ministries who are preparing to hear a word from The Lord for the New Year 2011.
The Lord would have me ask of you, “What have you done with the last word He has spoken unto you?”
“What progress have you yet made in obedience and in your strides for the Kingdom?”
I keep hearing, “Itching ears, itching ears, hardened and prideful, pompous, proud and disobedient!”
The Lord says that He has been speaking all year long but you have not heeded His words.  He has moved on, yet you seek to box Him in to your seasonal traditions of when He should speak; How He should speak.
Your seasons have ended in God and you don’t even see it because you don’t revere Him.
He says His words never change even as He never changes.

He says to tell you, “Don’t buy into the hype of the thus sayeths that come your way---you disobedient and proud hearts, for The Lord says He is not speaking to you a new word until you fulfill what He has already spoken of old.”

What is the new word He speaks in YOUR hearings (you disobedient and proud ones)?!!!

“Obey My old word and catch up with the move of My Spirit and kingdom in the earth. Then your hearts and spirits will be made duly open and pliable to see, receive, partake of and dwell in that which is new and good that I am already establishing in the earth for them whose loves and lives are set on Me!”



Please know always that the heavens are always open to receive from the Lord, and to receive breakthroughs from the Lord unto you.  Having said thus:
I would like to take some to invite U all to join me every Monday- Sunday beginning January 3, 2011 from 5am-6am on a free conference call. OPEN HEAVENS PrayerLine's purpose is to war in the spirit N take charge of each day as well as pray for those who call in. All information concerning this is as follows : Conference Dial-in Number: (712) 451-6100 Access Code: 801822# Looking forward to His Presence with you all!